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Most Deserving Families Contest

We sponsored “The Most Deserving Military Family” Contest to send a Georgia military family on a trip to the winner’s choice of Continental U.S. destinations. The WSB news team selected 5 finalists, and from June 30th to July 13th, the public will select the winner by voting online. We also partnered with the station to broadcast a number of special Fourth of July military greetings from Georgia servicemen and to sponsor “Salute 2 America at Centennial Olympic Park”.

The Most Deserving Military Family Contest Winners

2021 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Young Family of Woodstock, GA has won a Dream Vacation from Montlick & Associates®!

I’m not sure it’s allowed that I nominate my own family. My husband is a disabled veteran. We have tried to save the money to be able to take our kiddos 6 and 2 on a family vacation but have not been able to. Trying to both work during a pandemic my hours have been cut drastically and my husband has continued to work part time for the Atlanta police department. As he had a very hard time finding full time employment due to his disabled status. It’s been a very trying time and a vacation with the family would be amazing.

The Brown Family of Athens, GA
The Brown Family of Athens, GA

2021 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Daniels Family of McDonough, GA
The Daniels Family of McDonough, GA

2021 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Smiling family portrait of father, mother, son and daughter at home. Caring injury attorney helps families.
The Fuller Family of Valdosta, GA

2021 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

I am a single mother of 2 boys and retired Air Force. I have been through a lot while I served and after. I had a drug problem last year, but I am completely sober! I am sober now 7 months! I’ve felt so lost since my retirement and I’m still finding my way in this civilian world. I don’t know if I’m worthy of a vacation, but I could sure use one!
The Law Family of Gainesville, GA

2021 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Young Family of Woodstock, GA
The Young Family of Woodstock, GA

2021 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2019 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Butler Family of Dahlonega has won a Dream Vacation from Montlick & Associates®!

I would like to nominate my son-in-Law, daughter and two granddaughters (The Butler family) for a dream vacation. Jeremy has honorably served in the military for 20 years as a US Army Ranger. He’s completed over 5 years of combat deployments and most recently completed an 18-month unaccompanied assignment in Saudi Arabia. Jeremy received a Purple Heart for injuries sustained in an IED attack on his last deployment to Afghanistan. He was recently in a military parachute training accident in March 2019. He’s recovering from an open tibia/fibula fracture in his right leg and received a metal rod and screw implants to correct the injury. Through it all, Michelle has worked tirelessly as a supportive military spouse. During the last 4 years, Michelle has volunteered countless hours as the head coach of their local recreational cheerleading squad. Her community outreach and support to many young ladies epitomize what a military spouse should be. Like many military families, they spend most of their leave time visiting family due to changing duty stations far away. This wonderful team deserves a vacation of their own for their combined sacrifices for others. I know they would enjoy this much deserved R&R! Please consider the Butler family for the dream vacation. Jeremy is currently stationed in North Georgia as a US Army Ranger instructor. They could use the vacation considering what they have been through these past few months.

Middle-aged man in red fez smiling outside surrounded by green foliage, representing Shriners organization.
Randy Dollar- LaGrange, GA

2019 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Nalls Family- Marietta, GA
The Nalls Family- Marietta, GA

2019 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Michael Norwood- Commerce, GA
Michael Norwood- Commerce, GA

2019 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Jeffrey Rice- Warner Robins, GA
Jeffrey Rice- Warner Robins, GA

2019 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2018 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Allen Family has won a Dream Vacation from Montlick & Associates®!

You asked for nominations for a deserving military FAMILY. I can think of one military FAMILY that by far deserves and could greatly benefit from a family vacation. Retired MSG Mark Allen and his FAMILY are true American Heroes. On July 8, 2009 Retired MSG Mark Allen was critically wounded south of Kabul in Afghanistan while searching for Bowe Bergdahl. His injuries did not necessarily kill him, but they robbed him and his family of being able to live a “normal” life. Retired MSG Mark Allen is unable to talk, take care of himself, etc. and requires constant medical attention. Throughout this ordeal, his wife, Shannon and their 2 kids have never left his side. Shannon has put her life on hold to ensure that Retired MSG Mark Allen is cared for as well as ensuring her kids are not missing out on all that life has to offer. While Retired MSG Mark Allen went above and beyond the call of duty by putting his life on the line, his wife and family have also gone above and beyond the call of duty by taking such good care of him and making sure that he knows he is loved. Shannon is actively involved in helping other wounded warriors and is in my eyes also a true American hero. When one commits to serving his or her country, they also sign their family up to serve as well. I can’t think of another family that has served this country more lovingly, selflessly, and patriotically than the Allen family. What an honor it would be to send this family on a much deserved vacation where they can focus on making memories with their 10 year old daughter and escaping the confines of their house that they must stay in more so than not due to Retired MSG Allen’s injuries. God truly blessed this country when he called Retired MSG Allen to serve us and He undoubtedly blessed him when he sent Shannon to be his wife. Yes, we all know there are risks involved with being a military family. However, the Allen family not only willingly took those risks, but they are now unselfishly living out the reality of those risks. Not a day goes by that Shannon doesn’t focus on the positive and do her best to make sure Retired MSG Allen knows that even though he may be different physically, he’s still her husband and our American hero.

Wayne Lovell
Wayne Lovell

2018 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Daniel DeGroff
Daniel DeGroff

2018 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Michael Hilliard
Michael Hilliard

2018 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2017 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Zook Family has won a Dream Vacation from Montlick & Associates®!

Joey is a brave and proud career Marine on his final dangerous deployment. Once again he has left his young family as he serves our country. His wife and three children have relocated many times, whenever they were allowed to be with him.They are anxiously awaiting his return and praying for his safety and the safety of our country.

This is a true patriot family. Heather has volunteered in a number of civilian capacities for military families and for the service members. She taught in a DoD school at Westpoint. In fact, her teaching career has been made difficult by the many moves, including one station in Okinawa. Her family has always managed to take advantage of the cultural opportunities each new place affords.

The family is very active and fit. They run, kayak, hike, swim, and Heather participates in Warrior Training. Heather has voluntarily led several physical fitness groups and volunteered at her children’s school, teaching physical education.

Joey has had an outstanding career, earning many awards and citations. He is a well liked by officers and enlisted alike.

I would love to see the family have a chance to vacation when Joey comes home….a truly peaceful celebration of a job well done in service to our country. It would be a great time for the twins Ava and Aiden, who are 8, and Bella, who is 11, to have a special time with their dad, whom they love and miss. Heather and Joey renewed their vows recently and it would be amazing for them to have this time away.

Thank you for sponsoring this contest!

Happy family posing with American flag at office, smiling together after successful legal case.
David Payton

2017 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Capt. Rev. Andee Courson
Capt. Rev. Andee Courson

2017 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Smiling Black couple hugging in auditorium. Experienced attorneys caring about clients.
Ricardo Crooke

2017 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Young boy cries near father's military hat, depicting the emotional impact of military injuries on families.
Chad Turner

2017 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2016 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Oemke Family of Marietta, GA has won a Dream Vacation from Montlick & Associates®!

The Family’s Nomination Letter:

Lt. Col. Tammie Oemke is currently serving her 4th deployment into combat regions of the Middle East. She leads a front line surgical unit, responsible for both military as well as local civilian medical/surgical care. During each of her year-long deployments, she leaves behind her husband and two young children. They have missed many of the typical family trips to the beach or Disney due to her service to our country.

Her civilian job as a lead neurosurgical nurse at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta also consumes many hours from her family as she cares for children with brain tumors, I know that every member of our military deserves our love and respect for the job they do on our behalf, but Tammie exemplifies the epitome of service, honor, commitment and loyalty to our country. I’m humbled to be able to nominate such a deserving individual, along with her family.

WSB-TV chose the top 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Oemke Family with a much-deserved paid vacation!

The Bellinger Family
The Bellinger Family

2016 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Delancy Family
The Delancy Family

2016 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Collage of diverse smiling people, representing satisfied clients of our personal injury law firm.
The Hilliard Family

2016 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Sizemore Family
The Sizemore Family

2016 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2015 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Judson Family of Roswell, GA

The Family’s Nomination Letter:

Kari and Lyle deserve to win a dream vacation because they are awesome people. Lyle is currently deployed to the Sandbox for the 4th time (I think) over the past 6 years (approx.). Lyle was actually deployed when 2 of his 4 children were born. Kari was able to talk/see Lyle during labor via Skype.

Kari has managed to hold down the busy fort at home while working part time. Kari and Lyle are also among the bravest and strongest people I know. They suddenly lost one of their twin sons, Alexander just shy of his 1st birthday to RSV. Instead of dwelling on the negative/sadness, they have become advocates for raising awareness and finding a cure for this terrible virus. Kari even had a one minute audience with the CDC to share her story and the importance of finding a cure.

WSB-TV chose the top 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Judson Family with a much-deserved paid vacation!

The Cooper Family
The Cooper Family

2015 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Nash Family
The Nash Family

2015 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Odunsi Family
The Odunsi Family

2015 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Walker Family
The Walker Family

2015 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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2014 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Graham Family of Tallapoosa, GA

The Family’s Nomination Letter:

“You will never meet a family like the Grahams. Ed was a Marine and after 911 joined the National Guard. Dorothea served in the Army. The have a blended family with his, hers, adopted and foster totaling 11 kids in the home. Every child that enters their home is welcome no matter if they are natural born, step, foster, adopted or a neighborhood kid. Ed was injured in Iraq; his back was broke in 3 places along with many other injures, and an IG complaint was filled to get him out of Iraq to come home to receive medical treatment. He then was unemployed before being hired at a Wounded Warrior Workshop by the Center for Disease Control. This put a burden on the family and their house and 18 acres of land were foreclosed on forcing their large family to relocate to a smaller home that is in need of repair. This has caused a finical burden on the family because of payments that they have to make for him to be seen at outside doctors’ offices. This family has not been on vacation in nine years and very deserving. They are a very proud military family.”

WSB-TV chose the top 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Graham Family with a much-deserved paid vacation!

The Faxon Family
The Faxon Family

2014 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Johnson Family
The Johnson Family

2014 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Ravenell Family
The Ravenell Family

2014 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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Group portrait of diverse, smiling U.S. Army service members in uniform, posing for professional photo.
The Tajjiou-Noble Family

2014 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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2013 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Shirley Family of Lawrenceville, GA

The Family’s Nomination Letter: Tsgt (USAF) Patrick Shirley of the 283rd Combat Comm. has been deployed since January 4, 2013. While deployed, the Shirley family has maintained a strong faith and Patrick has volunteered in Afghanistan to teach the Afghanis English. To help keep morale high, Patrick developed (with members of his unit) “Shirley’s Shindand Speedway” to allow his unit to race remote control cars. The amount of joy this has brought to a very mentally and physically exhausting deployment is amazing! Especially when the soldiers share videos on YouTube that the families back in Georgia can watch too.

Tsgt Shirley’s wife, Mandy, has taken on being mom and dad to their sons, ages 9 and 4, while also being active in leading the Family Readiness Group (FRG) and bonding with other families in Patrick’s unit. Even with thousands of miles between them Mandy and Patrick have worked hard to maintain a sense of normalcy for their family. Patrick still provides discipline and motivation via Skype chats and takes pride in being a “willing participant in God’s plan” for his life and family.

WSB-TV chose the top 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Shirley Family with a much-deserved paid vacation!

The Guevara Rodriguez Family
The Guevara Rodriguez Family

2013 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Knight Family
The Knight Family

2013 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Smedley Family
The Smedley Family

2013 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Turner Family
The Turner Family

2013 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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2012 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Glantz family

The Glantz Family Story:

I served 21 years in the Army and both my children are currently serving in the US Military. My son just got back from Afghanistan where he is being submitted for a Purple Heart for injuries he sustained while there. My daughter is also currently serving as a single mother of our 3 year old grandchild and deserves recognition for her service and sacrifices. Then there is my wife. She deserves the most recognition as a military spouse and mom for so long during all the years, deployments, missed holidays, and the like. They say the military spouse is the “hardest job in the military.”

My family has endured a lot and has given so much of themselves over the past 24 years. I am so proud of them. We are one unit…forged strong over the years to be patriotic, love our country, love all people, and be there when needed and called upon. That’s what makes us who we are today!

WSB-TV chose the top 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Glantz Family with a much-deserved paid vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida!

The Alexander Family
The Alexander Family

2012 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Napier Family
The Napier Family

2012 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Watcj Video
The Ragland Family
The Ragland Family

2012 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

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The Rose Family
The Rose Family

2012 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Watch Video

2011 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The McClain family

The McClain Family Story:

Aviation Structural Mechanic First Class Douglas McClain has been in the US Navy for 16 years, and has had to move his family from Texas, to Maine, and then to Georgia. Like many other brave Navy sailors, Doug volunteered to support Army missions in Iraq. During his one year deployment, NAS Atlanta was closed, and when he returned he had to take orders to Jacksonville, Florida. Due to the economy, his wife and 10 year old daughter remain in Georgia to wait for Doug to retire from the US Navy in four years. Unlike the many previous moves, the economy proved too difficult for the family to stay together because Florida has had massive lay-offs of teachers, which is Brandy’s profession. This family has embraced the sacrifices necessary for Doug to finish his commitment to serve and protect our country. This dedicated service member, husband, and father drives six hours one way from Jacksonville to visit his family approximately every other weekend.

WSB-TV chose the top 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the McClain Family with a much-deserved paid vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida!

The Collins Family
The Collins Family

2011 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Crowder Family
The Crowder Family

2011 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Davenport Family
The Davenport Family

2011 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Mudd Family
The Mudd Family

2011 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2010 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Bonner family

The Bonner Family of Fayetteville, GA was voted the 2010 Most Deserving Military Family after a family member sent in their story.

“Major Josh Bonner has served 4 years of active duty and has been in the Army Reserves for the past 8 years. He is a strong leader in his military unit as well as in his community and church. He is a loving husband and father of 3 who will be leaving in October for a year of service in Iraq. He had planned to take his family to Disney World this summer but because of economic hardship those plans were put on hold. His children are ages 10, 7, and 2 and they would truly love to have this family vacation with their dad before he leaves. Josh is very dedicated to serving his country and volunteered for this assignment knowing what a huge sacrifice it would mean to be away from his family that he adores.”

WSB-TV selected the 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Bonner Family with a much-deserved paid vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida!

The Brownlee Family
The Brownlee Family

2010 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Dingess Family
The Dingess Family

2010 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Three teen girls with arms around each other smiling while sitting outdoors on a concrete structure
The Hudson Family

2010 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Vang Family
The Vang Family

2010 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2009 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Gooch family

The family was named a Deserving Military Family after telling us their story.

Sgt. Jesse Gooch is currently on tour in Afghanistan with HHC 2-121. He and his wife Melena have 5 children, ages 7 to 16. Melena is raising the children while her husband is deployed PLUS she is the chair of the Family Readiness Group. As chair of FRG, Melena stands ready to assist and take care of any and all families of those who are deployed; all this while taking care of her children, one of which is legally blind.

WSB-TV selected the 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Gooch Family with a much-deserved paid vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida!

The Clay Family
The Clay Family

2009 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The McGee Family
The McGee Family

2009 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The McKenzie Family
The McKenzie Family

2009 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Newbauer Family
The Newbauer Family

2009 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

2008 Deserving Military Family Contest Winner

The Drumgoole family

The family was named a Deserving Military Family after telling us their story.

The Drumgoole’s have been married for six years and have yet to have a honeymoon. Jackson Drumgoole said their honeymoon was postponed after they lost his mother-in-law to cancer. The honeymoon was further delayed due to the birth of their first child. Then Captain Drumgoole was deployed to Iraq for 16 months. The Drumgoole’s also recently gained custody of a son and Mrs. Drumgoole gave birth to triplets in March!

WSB-TV selected the 5 finalists from entries submitted and then the public voted for the winner on wsbtv.com. Montlick & Associates® is happy to provide the Drumgoole Family with a much-deserved paid vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida!

The Ansari Family
The Ansari Family

2008 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Copeland Family
The Copeland Family

2008 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Lenk Family
The Lenk Family

2008 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

The Smith Family
The Smith Family

2008 Most Deserving Military Family Finalists

Special Fourth of July Military Greetings

Special Thank You to Those Appearing in Our July 4th Tribute Messages

  • PFC. Hilario Alvarado, Dublin, GA
  • SPC. Adam Hollagaugh, Cleveland, GA
  • PFC. Dana Eltaher, Jonesboro, GA
  • SGT. Andrew Foshee, Winder, GA
  • SGT. Randall Grier, Atlanta, GA
  • SPC. Jason Hewitt, Forsyth, GA
2008 - 2010

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