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Montlick Honors Georgia's Fallen Heroes

American flag with "We will never forget our Fallen Heroes" text for law firm Montlick & Associates

Remembering Our Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day

To help remember our Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day, the firm televises special tribute messages and displays outdoor billboards throughout Georgia. We also proudly partner with:

  1. Run for the Fallen, which is an organization established to help raise funds and build awareness for charities created in honor of fallen soldiers from the State of Georgia; and
  2. The Mike Stokely Foundation which was created in honor of SGT Mike Stokely who was Killed In Action near Yusufiyah Iraq while serving as a member of the 108th Cavalry of Georgia’s 48th Brigade Army National Guard.

Partnering with these organizations and creating these special tributes is our way of remembering and thanking  these brave soldiers, and in a small way give back to the families that have given so much. Please watch our tribute and special news segments from ABC News and CBS news featuring our partners.

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