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Our Child Passenger Safety Program

Helping to Keep Kids Safe in Cars Since 1984

The need for public education about the proper use of booster seats has never been greater.

Madison Harty smiles in red shirt with "Booster Seats SAVE LIVES. I'm living proof!" text overlay.

Public Service Campaign Promotes Awareness of Booster Seat Law in Georgia

Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children, and young children who ride using seat belts rather than booster seats are 59% more likely to suffer devastating injuries, including severe damage to the brain, liver, spleen, and spinal cord, in a crash. According to the NHTSA’s National Survey on the Use of Booster Seats, only a small percentage of children use the proper safety restraints in cars, and many do not ride in the back seat as required by law. These findings are a major cause for public concern, and the reason behind the firm’s public service initiative.

Attorney newsletter with headshot discussing booster seats to prevent child car accident injuries.

The firm’s campaign features Atlanta mom and Montlick Director of Community Programs Jenny Harty, and her daughter Madison, in a series of :30 public service TV announcements, outdoor billboards and news interviews covering the true story of how Madison’s life was miraculously spared after a catastrophic accident when she was just five years old. Doctors, police and emergency workers all credited the $20 booster seat that Madison was riding in as saving her life. Tireless campaigning by Jenny Harty in the months and years following the accident, resulted in the passing of stronger child passenger safety legislation in 2004, also known as “Madison’s Booster Seat Law”.


Injury attorney infographic: Proper sitting position for children in vehicles to prevent injuries.

Understanding Georgia’s Booster Seat Law
Effective July 1st, 2011 children under age eight are required by law to be in a child safety seat or booster seat appropriate for their height and weight, and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The law also requires children under eight to ride in the rear seat.

For more information on the new booster seat law, including exemptions, exceptions, fines and citations, please visit the Georgia Highway Safety Organization website.


Keeping your child properly secured in the car is so important for their safety!
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 65 children under 10 die every year on Georgia highways because they are not properly secured in child restraint seats or booster seats. You can help protect your child from injury or death by taking the 5-Step Test offered by SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A. These steps will help you determine if your child is ready for seat belts alone, or if he/she should continue to ride in a booster seat.


Booster Seats: Important Information for Parents

Knowing When to Use Them Could Save Your Child’s Life!

Unfortunately, many parents stop using booster seats too early because their child repeatedly protests and says it is embarrassing, or because parents are unsure of the right time. Please don’t remove the booster seat until your child is ready! According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), car accidents are the leading cause of death for children 14 and under, and failure to use proper restraints is a contributing factor in half of these fatalities.

When Should Parents Use Child Booster Seats?

Booster seats lift children so that seat belts are positioned properly — giving them greater protection and helping to reduce injuries in the event of a crash. According to the NHTSA, once children outgrow their forward-facing seats (usually around age 4 and 40 pounds), they should ride in booster seats, in the back seat, until the vehicle seat belts fit properly (minimum of 4’9″ and 8-12 years of age).

Is Your Child Ready for Seat Belts Alone?

When children outgrow their booster seats, you still need to confirm that it is safe to use only a safety belt. The consequences of prematurely moving to seat belts alone can be disastrous, so we urge parents to review and adhere to the following guidelines — and to encourage other parents to do the same. To determine if your child is ready to ride without a booster, you need to be certain that the seat belt fits properly, and that:

  1. The child’s knees bend comfortably over the seat’s edge while the child’s back rests firmly against the seat back.
  2. The lap belt lays low across the child’s thighs, NEVER across the stomach area.
  3. The shoulder belt rests across the shoulder, NEVER across the child’s neck.

Remember, NEVER let a child less than 4’9″ ride without a booster seat, and NEVER graduate a child to seat belts only until you confirm that the seat belts fit properly!

Sources: NHTSA, CDC

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