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All information provided about the law is very general in nature and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Every situation is different and should be analyzed by a lawyer who can provide individualized advice based on the facts involved in your unique situation, and a consideration of all of the nuances of the statutes and case law that apply at the time.

What is a traumatic amputation?

A traumatic amputation is the loss of a body part as a result of an accident or injury. There are two types of traumatic amputations – partial and complete.

A partial amputation refers to a situation in which a limb, while gravely injured, is still connected to the body via tissue, bone or muscle. Conversely, a complete amputation is where the limb is completely severed from the body. Traumatic amputations are further classified by the way they occurred:

Crush amputation occurs when a limb is literally crushed, which can lead to injury to the connective tissues and muscles extending far from the actual amputation site. Such injuries most typically arise in vehicular accidents where a limb is pinned and crushed as a result of the impact.

Guillotine amputation arises from a clean cut to a limb, resulting in either a partial or complete severing of the body part. Oftentimes, this type of injury occurs while on the job, primarily from sharp machinery.
Avulsion amputation occurs when a body part is stretched or torn from the tissue resulting in serious damage to bone, nerves, muscles and blood vessels.

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