For the Second Year in a Row Ford Had the Most Auto Recalls
According to a news report posted on motor1.

CPSC Reports Space Heaters Cause 1,700 Fires, 80 Fatalities, and 160 Injuries Annually in the U.S.
According to an online news report published on ksdk.com, a family of four suffered a tragedy in their new North St. Louis County home.

Legal Justice for Children Injured by Dangerous Toys
Safety experts state that it is better for parents to keep an eye on toy safety so that they can prevent a trip to the emergency room.

Sunscreen Cancer Lawsuit Lawyers
Many people don’t realize that many popular sunscreen brands use toxic ingredients, which can have cancer-causing properties.
Are GPS Devices Directing Drivers to Drive in the Wrong Direction?
PHOENIX, ARIZONA – A news article on abc15.

SuCancer Claims from Use of Coppertone, Neutrogena, Banana Boat Sunscreens
Have you or a loved one used a sunscreen product and developed cancer?

Tesla Model S Fire Wrongful Death Lawsuit Lawyers
Safety advocates have renewed old safety concerns regarding the Tesla Model S erupting into flame “like a flamethrower.
Benzene, A Highly Absorbable, Cancer-Causing Chemical Found in Many Sunscreens or Hand Sanitizers
There have been several skincare products recalled in the past few months.

Product Liability Law in Georgia
We act as consumers nearly every day, purchasing food, clothing, medications, electronics and many other products.
Defective Automobiles: Product Liability and Cars
Most car accidents are the result of careless driving.
Georgia Automobile Accident Attorneys Discuss Defective Automobile Accident Cases
Automobiles provide essential means of transportation for millions across the country and billions worldwide.

Product Liability Claims Based on Inadequate Warnings
Many people might be aware that a company can be liable for a defectively designed or manufactured product that causes injury.
Montlick and Associates Reviews Defenses Asserted in Mesothelioma Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Our Atlanta wrongful death attorneys at Montlick and Associates recognize the devastating toll of mesothelioma on people who are exposed to asbestos, as well as the impact on their loved ones.

Your New TV Is High Definition 1080P But Does It Pose a Safety Risk for Your Kids?
If you are one of the many people that put on your suit of armor and valiantly battled the crowds during Black Friday or the recent holidays, you may have purchased a new television at a ridiculously low price.
Product Liability Based on Defective Industrial Equipment
While there are many safety regulations designed to protect employees at industrial work sites in Georgia, many employees are injured by defective equipment used in industrial plants.

Product Liability for Injuries Caused by Dangerous Pesticides
It has long been known that pesticides cause harm to humans when ingested through eating fruits and vegetables, and also when inhaled by people who live close to spraying operations.

Black Box Warnings: What Are They and What Do They Mean?
The black box warning is the strongest warning used by the U.
Defective Seat Belts Putting Georgia Residents in Danger
Since their development over thirty years ago, seat belts have become the most important piece of automobile safety equipment.

Infant Deaths Due To Crib Accidents On The Rise
Since 2007, an alarming increase has been reported in infant deaths due to drop-side crib-related accidents. If the cribs break or parts become loose, under some circumstances children can suffocate by getting trapped in the cribs’ drop-down latching mechanisms.