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All information provided about the law is very general in nature and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Every situation is different and should be analyzed by a lawyer who can provide individualized advice based on the facts involved in your unique situation, and a consideration of all of the nuances of the statutes and case law that apply at the time.

What types of compensation could I get for a motorcycle accident?

Motorcycle accident victims can be eligible for a wide range of damages depending on the extent of their injuries.

Common damages sought include:

  • Hospital and emergency room bills
  • Emergency transportation expenses
  • Future medical bills
  • Lost wages and future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability and impaired earning ability
  • Loss of consortium


At times, it can also be possible to seek punitive damages if the other driver’s conduct was reckless or egregious. Your attorney will assist you in evaluating what damages you may be eligible to receive.

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