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All information provided about the law is very general in nature and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Every situation is different and should be analyzed by a lawyer who can provide individualized advice based on the facts involved in your unique situation, and a consideration of all of the nuances of the statutes and case law that apply at the time.

What happens if I was at fault for my accident in Georgia? (2024)

In Georgia, if you were partly at fault for the accident that caused your injuries, you can still recover compensation as long as a court finds you to be less than 50% at fault. For on-the-job injuries, Georgia has a no-fault workers' comp system, meaning that in many cases you are still eligible for worker's compensation benefits.

Georgia is a modified comparative negligence state. This means that if you were partly at fault for the accident that caused your injuries, you can still recover compensation as long as a court finds you to be less than 50% at fault.

If the accident and injuries happened on the job, Georgia’s workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system, meaning that you are generally eligible for worker’s compensation benefits, even if you were the primary cause.

There are always exceptions to these rules, so it’s best to discuss your situation with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Under the modified comparative negligence doctrine, an injured person who is 20% responsible for his or her injuries can still collect 80% of the damages. In a claim worth $100,000, this would mean you could collect $80,000 from the property owner. However, if you are 50% or more liable for your own injury, you cannot collect anything under Georgia law.

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