Recently, we’ve unfortunately noticed a marked increase in the number of drivers who run red-lights (and stop signs). The first few seconds after a light turns red have become the new yellow. Then there is the reverse red-light runner, the one who anticipates that a red light will change to green, the one who gets a glance of the yellow light controlling the perpendicular roadway, and jumps the light change early. In both instances, speed is often a significant contributing factor.
We’re not sure of the reasons for this dangerous increase in red light running, but suspect that driver impatience is as good an explanation as any. People are impatient to get wherever they are going, or are impatient at the prospect of sitting in traffic waiting for up to a whole minute for the light to cycle. There are, of course, other explanations why drivers run red-lights (and stop signs), such as traffic light outages, sun glare or brake failure. But more-often-than-not, the offending driver’s conduct is intentional. Most think they can get away with it. This may be true. The police are busy with keeping the public safe from street-crime and generally catch a red-light runner only by happenstance.
Of those who don’t get caught, some become the cause of a side-impact, T-Bone or broadside collision. One car crashes directly into side of another. Sometimes the collision is on the driver side, sometimes passenger side. While driver-side side-side impact collisions are potentially the more dangers of the two, both can be devastating to victims.
Moreover, the damages and injuries resulting from a side-impact collision are not necessarily limited to the two-involved cars. Often one or both ricochet into other cars or stationary objects after the initial collision, multiplying the potential damage and injury. According to National Safety Council reports, T-Bone collisions are second only to head-on collisions in the number of serious injuries and fatalities that result from all automobile accidents each year. Not all side-impact collisions occur because a driver ran a red light or stop sign. However, most are, and the consequences are significant.
Drivers and passengers alike can suffer a wide range of possible injuries from T-Bone collisions, including but not limited to spinal injuries, disc herniations, sprains, torn muscles, ligament and tendon tears, fractures, concussions, other head injuries, and injuries to internal organs. Because the injuries caused by T-Bone accidents are often severe, victims typically incur significant medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Sorting out fault is not always easy. Sometimes the offender will deny responsibility, or offer some explanation to justify his conduct. Sometimes third-party witnesses only see the aftermath of the collision, not who caused it. Sometimes there are no witnesses at all. Because every accident has its own unique set of circumstances, it is wise to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after the collision occurs. Hiring an experienced accident attorney is critical to assuring that you are appropriately compensated.