There are many accidents in Atlanta caused by motorists who fail to abide by their obligation to yield. Collisions caused by drivers who disregard right of way rules cause injury, disability and wrongful death to many accident victims throughout the Atlanta, the state of Georgia and the U.S. annually. The process of determining whether a driver that crashed into you violated a legal duty to yield requires an analysis of Atlanta accident law.
Right of way car accident lawsuits in Atlanta and insurance claims can be complicated because a driver may face liability for failing to yield even when there is no expressly delineated duty to do so. Every driver has a legal obligation under state law to use reasonable care when driving to avoid causing injury to others. Even when there is no statutory requirement to yield to cross traffic, the circumstances may make it so that a reasonably prudent driver would yield in a particular situation.
There are a number of right of way situations that often lead to auto collisions when drivers disregard the obligation to yield, which include the following:
- Entering the Street or Roadway: If a motorist intends to cross or enter a roadway from a driveway, parking lot or anything other than another roadway, the driver must yield to vehicles traveling the road being entered or crossed.
- Left Turns: When executing a left turn at an intersection or into an alley or driveway, the driver turning left must yield to traffic coming in the opposite direction.
- Stop and Yield Signs: Drivers must obey posted signs indicating that a driver must stop or yield to cross traffic. Drivers must also obey traffic signals that indicate that a driver must stop for cross traffic.
These are only a few of the right of way rules imposed by statutory or common law in Atlanta, but motorists who disregard these basic safe driving rules cause rear-enders, driveway backing accidents, intersection T-bone collisions and other dangerous car crashes. When a driver violates right of way rules, this often will constitute the legal basis for determining the other driver is at-fault in a Atlanta auto accident.
Although drivers are required to obey right of way laws, motorists should never endanger their own safety by assuming that a driver will stop and yield as required. Many inattentive, distracted or aggressive drivers violate right of way rules causing serious traffic accidents. Because these rules are designed to coordinate traffic that must cross the path of other vehicles, drivers should always be alert for careless or rude drivers that refuse to comply with right of way laws.
Put Our Law Firm’s Over 39 Years of Experience to Work For Your Case!
If you or a loved one is involved in a right of way car accident in Atlanta or the surrounding areas of Atlanta, our experienced Atlanta auto collision attorneys diligently pursue the full measure of compensation for motor vehicle accident injury victims. At Montlick and Associates, our accident lawyers are committed to assisting victims in recovering the compensation they need to move past their injuries.
Our car accident attorneys at Montlick and Associates have been representing those who suffer serious injuries throughout all of Georgia and in the Southeast for over thirty years, including but not limited to all smaller cities and rural areas in the state. No matter where you are located our attorneys are just a phone call away, and we will even come to you.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a Atlanta auto collision, we invite you to contact us 24 hours a day/7 days a week for your Free Consultation at 1-800-LAW-NEED® (1-800-529-6333). You can also visit us online at and use our Free Case Evaluation Form or 24-hour Live Online Chat.