When motorists that have been consuming alcohol decide to take the risk of driving their car, innocent vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians often experience devastating permanent injuries. There have been many legislative and law enforcement measures designed to reduce the number of drunk driving collisions, including zero tolerance policies for inexperienced teen drivers, mandatory minimum sentences for repeat DUI offenders, ignition interlock programs and other similar DUI prevention policies. Sadly, these measures have had limited impact on habitual DUI offenders.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has published some enlightening information about habitual drunk drivers who cause drunk driving accidents. The federal agency reports that drivers with a BAC over .15 percent or drivers with a DUI conviction within the last ten years were involved in more than 70 percent of all collisions involving alcohol-related traffic fatalities. Data from law enforcement sources is consistent with this finding because 33 percent of all drivers arrested for DUI are repeat offenders.

This data suggests that drunk driving is a problem largely tied to habitual drinkers who are less responsive to alcohol education programs. A Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study found that the average driver arrested for DUI has driven while under the influence of alcohol 88 times before their first arrest.

When habitual drunk drivers operate a motor vehicle, they can cause serious motor vehicles collisions by failing to negotiate curves, running red lights or stop signs, failing to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, falling asleep at the wheel and committing many other types of driving errors. The NTSB has proposed a variety of guidelines that may reduce the number of drunk driving fatalities in Georgia caused by habitual drunk drivers that include the following:

  • Increasing the frequency of sobriety checkpoints on a statewide basis
  • Implementing programs designed to target drivers who continue driving after having their license suspended for DUI/DWI
  • Define a repeat offender as anyone that has been arrested for DUI within the last ten years
  • Impose harsher sentence and treatment options aimed at habitual drunk drivers

Put Our Law Firm’s Over 39 Years of Experience to Work For Your Case

When you or someone you love is injured or a loved one dies in a collision caused by a habitual drunk driver, the experienced Atlanta auto accident attorneys at Montlick and Associate are committed to holding those whose irresponsible conduct causes injury to others accountable for their conduct. Montlick and Associates has been representing injury victims for over thirty years throughout all of Georgia and the Southeast, including but not limited to all smaller cities and rural areas in the state. No matter where you are located our attorneys are just a phone call away, and we will even come to you. Call us 24 hours a day/7 days a week for your Free Consultation at 1-800-LAW-NEED® (1-800-529-6333). You can also visit us online at www.montlick.com and use our Free Case Evaluation Form or 24-hour Live Online Chat.