1. If you are injured on the job, you may receive medical rehabilitation and income benefits. If you pass away due to a job related accident, your dependents may also receive benefits.
  2. Your employer must post a list of at least six doctors or the name of the certified MC/MCO that provides medical care, unless the Board grants you an exception.
  3. Your authorized doctor bills, hospital bills, rehabilitation in some cases, physical therapy, prescriptions, and necessary travel expenses will be covered.
  4. You are entitled to receive weekly income benefits if you have more than seven days of lost time due to your injury.
  5. If you have a catastrophic accident, you ae entitled to receive two thirds of your average weekly wage but it cannot exceed $575 per week as long as you are unable to return to work. Catastrophic injuries are those involving amputations, severe paralysis, severe head injuries, severe burns, blindness, or of a nature and severity that prevents the employee from being able to perform his or her prior work and any work available in substantial numbers within the national economy.
  6. In all other cases (non-catastrophic), you are entitled to receive two-thirds of your average weekly wage but not more than $575 per week for a job related injury. You will receive these weekly benefits as long as you are totally disabled, but no longer than 400 weeks.
  7. In all other cases (non-catastrophic), you are entitled to receive two-thirds of your average weekly wage but not more than $575 per week for a job related injury. You will receive these weekly benefits as long as you are totally disabled, but no longer than 400 weeks.
  8. Your dependent(s), in the event you die as a result of an on- the-job accident, will receive burial expenses up to $7,500 and two-thirds of your average weekly wage, but not more than $575 per week.
  9. If you do not receive benefits when due, the insurance carrier/employer must pay a penalty, which will be added to your payments.

Put Our Law Firm’s Years Of Legal Experience To Work For Your Case!

If you have been injured in any work-related accident, call Montlick & Associates, Attorneys at Law for your free consultation today. Montlick & Associates, Attorneys at Law has been representing those who suffer serious injuries throughout all of Georgia and in the Southeast.

Sources: cited within